English Teacher's Forum
Saturday, December 08, 2007Alshati Language and Training Center, will be hosting the last meeting for the year 2007 of the English Teacher's Forum.
(please see map)
The Topic:- Language acquisition
Interference with the mother tongue - translation: pros & cons.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, 15th December 2007
From 10.00 to 12 .00 am
The Forum's Agenda:-
• A brief summary of the English Teacher's Forum accomplishments for the past year.
• A short presentation by one of the Center's teachers.
• Teachers will be grouped to discuss selected topic.
• Each group leader will very briefly discuss ideas obtained.
• Refreshments.

our eMap
Google earth Places(ALTC)kzm Read more!
Posted by ALTC at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Forums
Long time no see !
Upon our trainees’ insistence of the continuation of our center’s blog we would now like to update and post all what’s happened ……………
So here goes TA DA …
***** These are some of our trainees , anyone remember them ????
Posted by ALTC at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: General
KET and PET Results
Sunday, July 29, 2007
We are happy to announce the names of our trainees who have passed the University of Cambridge ESOL Exams ( KET and PET ) .
We thank all staff members who have contributed to the succcess and last and not least our trainees for having studied and passed.
Pass with Merit
Ahmed Alhadi Almeshaal
Anas Abdalla Baiou
Amira Srika
Rabie Hanka
Khalifaadel Mohamed
Mabrouk Bilgasem
Salah Abered
Ziad Alhajaji
Amer Abodani
Khaled Atomi
Abir Mohamed A Baso
Afaf Hassan Ben Younis
Amani Farage Ganfud
Asma Abdulwahed Harib
Ahmed Mabrouk Moussa
Basher Abdalla Basher
Hassan Ali Hassan
Mohamed M Abdusslam Salb
Nuri Mohamed Aboujanah
Omran Masbah Bobaker
Read more!
Posted by Desert Rose at 7:14 PM 4 comments
Tripoli Medical Centre Children's Day
Wednesday, March 28, 2007Since my children have all grown up I feel a need inside me to help other children in whichever possible way I can. This involves great patience, care and love.
Here in Libya we celebrate Mother's and Children's Day on the 21st March .Being a wife , mother ,homemaker, teacher , taxi- driver , leading a very stressful but rewarding life ALHAMDULILAH.
So hearing about the cancer stricken children at TMC from Akram (my non-biological son ),I decided to help out with whatever we could, to make this day, a day to remember for the mothers and children at TMC.
As you can see the children's faces even when painted have such sadness that you want to hug them and tell them it'll be over soon. I asked a teenager ( Basma) the oldest of the children on the ward what she had, to which she replied Leukemia . Such a big word for a child , I hugged her and felt her pain and she knew it . I had tears in my eyes as I desperately tried to comfort her to which she said it was the wish of Allah . She introduced us to the other suffering children as she was the oldest and knew what everybody had.
You see at our center id's are a must, but our trainees have to always be reminded of wearing them . It was that the idea occurred that whoever hadn't the id on would have to pay the penalty of paying up !
So what do think happened ??? They paid up and more ! At the end of the day everybody chipped in for the children………..

Many had just been operated on their brains and were not a sight to be seen….
May Allah help cure and bless them all…….
May Allah bless all who participated in which ever way they could and did not want to be mentioned.
Posted by Desert Rose at 5:56 PM 2 comments
Very sad news......
Monday, February 12, 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT
With hearts full of grief, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to:
Mr. Abdulmugheit Loukili
on the death of his mother.
May Allah bless her soul and may she rest in peace.
Read more!
Posted by Desert Rose at 11:38 AM 0 comments